A Year In Somnium Space, Part 1
In late 2020, my Olgelta avatar became a vagrant artist in Somnium Space VR. This is an amazing 5K world with beautiful changing light, but to build there one had to own land. Any player can upload a custom avatar though, and so I learned to add custom objects to my avatar. Through this hack I created temporary installations that could be placed anywhere, by moving my avatar around the world. These were art integrations into a curated environment, much like Bike Art Messenger from years prior.
The displays varied in look and intent. Some were humorous, others rebellious. I inserted my own art in museums, placed Google Earth reconstructions, added sculpture to the municipal art park, and released an animated creature into the main lake.
This went on for a few months, and I was sure I would be banned once discovered. Instead I was embraced. I received rent-free parcels to build on, and was awarded 6 months worth of Creators Fund grants. My motives changed from subversion to cooperation and comradery. I became incorporated. It was home, and those folks were my clan. I spent a year in Somnium Space.
Avatar Hosted Art Integrations

Animated Sea Creature added to main lake

Residential ornaments from anonymous Google Earth location

Lascaux Art Cave Mobile Gallery v1

Lascaux Art Cave Mobile Gallery v2

Lascaux Art Cave Mobile Gallery v2

Giant Fossil on Pixels Peak

Free Kittens....


Animated Statue in the hinterlands

Animated Statue in City Center

Texan Love Hovels - Five outcroppings spread over a very large area

Texan Love Hovels - Five outcroppings spread over a very large area